Our Caviar
We have two types of Kaluga Caviar - both from the Far East. And here is the detailed description of each fish and it's caviar:

Kaluga caviar (Huso dauricus)
The fish: The wild ones can be found in the Amur River. The species normally matures in the 15th ~ 20th year, and can live up to 100 years and reach over 1000kg. This precious species is the biggest sturgeon.
The caviar: is produced from roes of mature Huso dauricus of over 15 years of aqua culture. Its color is mostly brownish green or brownish grey. The roes are smooth and even, with a special sheen. Its diameter is over 3 mm. It has a full-bodied flavor with a special aromatic after taste.

Hybrid sturgeon caviar (Acipenser schrenckii • Huso dauricus)
The fish: offspring of Kaluga (♀) and Shrenckii (♂), wild hybrid can be found in the Amur River between China and Russia. The species normally matures in the 8th ~ 10th year, and can live up to 60 years and reach over 50kg.
The caviar: is produced from roes of mature hybrid of over 7~8 years of aqua culture. Its color can be dark olive and green, or light grey. The roe diameter is over 2.5 mm. The roes are firm, have a strong creamy taste and long after taste.